For many years local residents of Lac du Bonnet wished to establish a library for the town. From 1956 onward, for 15 years, Helen P. Smith ran a lending library out of her basement for local residents. The Smiths had to move to Winnipeg due to Helen’s failing health which resulted in the library moving into the home of Hallie Lavoie. Th
For many years local residents of Lac du Bonnet wished to establish a library for the town. From 1956 onward, for 15 years, Helen P. Smith ran a lending library out of her basement for local residents. The Smiths had to move to Winnipeg due to Helen’s failing health which resulted in the library moving into the home of Hallie Lavoie. The library was eventually abandoned due to a lack of interest from local parties. The library was then moved to the back room of the Bay Dry Good’s store but later the space was needed and the collection was on the move again.
In 1978 due to renewed interest in a library a committee was formed. The members consisted of Roz Burt, Nick Ostash, Teri Usackis, Art Van Steelant, Joyce Hanton, Eleanor Lewko, Phyllis Robin, Connie Safronetz and Aline Preston. A volunteer library was run out of the High School while the committee worked towards getting a Regional Library for the town of Lac du Bonnet.
On April 1st of 1981 the Lac du Bonnet Regional Library opened its doors at 70 Park Street in Suite #1. As time passed the library increased to occupying two suites. In October 1989 the library board decided to build a custom facility in town. A building committee was formed to oversee all the plans. After many different fundraisers and grant applications the board/committee was able to raise enough funds to completely cover the cost of building. On January 26th, 1991, 78 library volunteers packed up the collection on Park Street and moved to our current location at 84 Third Street.
Library services are available free to residents or property owners of the R.M. of Lac du Bonnet, the Town of Lac du Bonnet and residents in the RM of Alexander who live in the Bird River area.
Annual non-resident memberships are available for $25 for a single or $45 for a family, for those who do not live in the above areas.
Temporary 3
Library services are available free to residents or property owners of the R.M. of Lac du Bonnet, the Town of Lac du Bonnet and residents in the RM of Alexander who live in the Bird River area.
Annual non-resident memberships are available for $25 for a single or $45 for a family, for those who do not live in the above areas.
Temporary 3 month memberships are available for $20.
To sign up, please bring identification with your local address to the library.
Head Librarian - Jennifer Hudson Stewart
Public Services Coordinator - Laurie Campbell
Accessibility Clerk - Crystal Larocque
Programming Clerk - Tannis Smith
Assistant Clerk - Ainsley Van Linden
Assistant Clerk - River Lansard
Custodian - Donna Kovari
Chairperson - Joan Einarson
Vice-Chairperson - Karen David
Head Librarian - Jennifer Hudson Stewart
Public Services Coordinator - Laurie Campbell
Accessibility Clerk - Crystal Larocque
Programming Clerk - Tannis Smith
Assistant Clerk - Ainsley Van Linden
Assistant Clerk - River Lansard
Custodian - Donna Kovari
Chairperson - Joan Einarson
Vice-Chairperson - Karen David
Secretary/Treasurer - Louise Fergusson
Member at Large - Fiona Lindsay
RM of Lac du Bonnet Council Representative - Violet Enns Preson
Town of Lac du Bonnet Council Representative - Keegan Sveinson
Destiny Discover is a complete library management system that can be accessed 24/7.
Browse through the catalogue with a guest account or login to your personal profile and renew/hold items right on-line.
Download books to your computer, tablet or smart phone! Learn more about the Libby App!
Ebscohost is an online research database which can search thousands of e-journals containing millions of articles.
Our library has a subscription and can be used by our patrons with a valid Library card, no password is required.
Library Patrons have access to search the Manitoba Public Libraries Network – fILL – a federated Search system of libraries in Manitoba. This allows you to search for a book (called an ILL or InterLibrary Loan) from another library if our library does not have it. Each Patron is allowed up to 2 ILL (InterLibrary Loan) items at a time, providing the account is in good standing.
The Manitoba government has fully funded CELA service through all public libraries in the province.
All Manitobans who cannot read print due to a visual, learning or physical disability will now have access to CELA’s comprehensive accessible collection.
More than 1 million titles in French and English, including the best of Canadian literature, award winners, bestsellers, books for kids and teens, plus 45 national and international newspapers and 150 popular magazines.
Two computers are available for use. Computer access is provided for informational purposes and is available on a first-come, first-served basis at the rate of $1.00 per half-hour. Patron use is subject to acceptance of the Library Board’s Internet Use Policy. A parental or guardian signature is required for children 12-18 years of age. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian in order to use the Public Access Computers. Children under 12, accompanied by an adult, are welcome to use the children’s Early Literacy computer at no charge. Free Wi-Fi is also available for any mobile/device you may have.
Preparing your child for reading success! A partnership between Sunrise School Division and local libraries.
Service Canada is at the Lac du Bonnet Library, every second Thursday. Click on button below for next date, hours and services available.
Photocopying & printing services are available at the library for a small fee.
Black & white copies for 25¢ each
Colour $1.50 per page
Faxing services are available at the library.
$2.00 for up to 5 pages
50¢ for every additional paged.
Fax Number 204 345 6827
Please contact the library before having a fax sent to this number.
The Helen P. Smith Community Room is available on a first-come basis to individuals, groups and organizations. The rental fee is $20.00 per part day: morning, afternoon, or evening. Room use is free to local non-profit community groups. For booking and additional information, please call the library at (204) 345-2653.
Come and Check out our new Early Literacy Station. The new computer has some of the old favorites like Spongebob Squarepants Typing, Reader Rabbit, Jumpstart and of course, Interactive Stories. It also has new programs such as Diego’s Safari Rescue and World of Goo. Some of the many Interactive Storybook titles include Arthur’s Birthday, The Gingerbread Man, The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight and Little Red Riding Hood.
Learn all about:
The library has a selection of books, magazines and occasionally movies on DVD for sale.
Paperbacks $0.50
Hardcovers & Trade Paperbacks $1-$5
Magazine $0.25
Movies $1
Children's Books $.25
Open today | 10:30 a.m. – 07:00 p.m. |